For ambitious Freelancers who want to earn more, do more and
get more from their freelancing career…
Use my simple 1-page client persuasion blueprint
that permanently removes self-doubt
about coming across as if you have
no idea what you’re doing

Read on to discover how copywriters and marketers can 

command attention, and confidently charge higher fees.

Hey ambitious copywriter, it’s Robert.

Today I’m going to show you how to overcome doubt when talking to clients so you can charge more, finally work on projects you enjoy and reach that ever-eluding freelance dream you’re looking for…

… With a simple 1-page client persuasion blueprint.

Let’s start first by defining what my blueprint is not:

This is not some manifestation crap or NLP.

This is not a system to outreach clients.

This is not complex or hard to use.

This is not a copywriting course.

This is not cheap.

This simple 1-page client persuasion blueprint will help you command attention when talking to clients.

You’ll never sell yourself short again because you’ll know how to confidently charge your worth.

Every. Single. Time.

As a result, you’ll be able to:

Sign more clients using white hat copywriting and marketing principles to persuade clients (just like any piece of copy) to hire you, pay you premium rates and give you the freedom to dictate their marketing strategy (if you so desire).

Overcome the single biggest fear every client has so you can sign clients faster and easier so you can reach your income goals sooner.

Project trust and confidence in your ability and never again feel like a fraud when talking to clients even if you don’t have years of experience.

Gain clarity on what you need to say to build trust with clients… and how to get them to say “YES” to your requests (works even if you’re shy or introverted).

Persuade clients after a brief chat or a single call that you’re the only person they want to work with (hint: this builds long-lasting profitable relationships you’re missing out on today!)

The regular price of the 1-page client persuasion blueprint is $197. 

It’s not that expensive considering what it can do for you. If you’re still referring to what you write as COPIES then this is probably not for you.

And today, you can get it for $197, along with 8 unique bonuses.

But if you’re here because you’re a copywriter who wants to earn more and knows you’re 

meant to achieve more…

Then you’re at the right place. 

At the right time.

You see, when I began my copywriting journey, just like you, I heard the classic claims guru made… “it’s easy to write copy” or “all you need to get started is a laptop and internet.”

And I used to have three limiting beliefs…

#1 I believed it was going to be a piece of cake to learn copywriting.

I could read a few books, analyze some copy, and write spec pieces… and voila, I’d be ready to work with clients.

#2 I believed it was going to sign clients fast.

I’d send a few cold emails and waltz into other people’s inbox with my pitch… And they’d welcome me with a cheque ready.

#3 I believed sending a Google Doc/folder with my copy was enough.

Clients would see my neatly organized folder with spec pieces they’d say “Robert you’re amazing! Let’s work together forever. Here’s a six-figure starting bonus!” (I’m exaggerating, but you get the point).

You won’t be surprised when I say nothing went according to my expectations.

Doubt started creeping in and that’s when I realized…

“You suck at this whole freelance copywriting 

thing. You can’t even get hired. You should 

stay at your life-sucking job… at least 

it pays you something.”

And then it hit me!

I wasn’t proud of my Google Doc portfolio.

I felt it didn’t impress clients.

I felt it wasn’t building trust.

If someone sent me a Google doc, and then ask me to pay them in advance, would I do it?

Would I feel comfortable making such a decision based on a Google Doc with a bunch of words…

... Words that could’ve been copied from someone else… From a stranger?

If you’re thinking like a business owner, you’re now coming to the same conclusion I came…

There’s no way I’ll get paid by simply sharing a Google Doc of my spec copy.

So I went back to the drawing board and looked at things I was good at.

One repeating fact came over and over again…

I had sold over $200M worth of services in just two years on my corporate job.

I was selling services similar to copywriting.

That thought excited me and I started analyzing the entire sales cycle at my corporate job.

What happened from the first interaction with the client to when they signed a contract.

All I wanted to know was 

“What does it take to persuade clients to buy?”

And sure enough, I discovered a pattern.

In every single case where I sold a service for millions, there was always trust.

Trust in the service, the company, and our capability to deliver results.

These are the same requirements business owners look for when hiring copywriters.

So, how did I build trust with these multibillion companies I was selling to?

I used a simple 1-page blueprint to build trust.

I tweaked that blueprint a bit. Made it easier to create and more specific to what I needed since I was selling my services as a copywriter.

I immediately started showing it to potential clients and kept tweaking it depending on the questions I was getting.

After just two iterations, I knew I had created the ultimate client persuasion blueprint for copywriters…

And today I want to share it with you!

Announcing my scandalously powerful NEW course 

for ambitious copywriters

1-page persuasion blueprint designed to build instant trust with 

potential clients. Sign new clients easily, get paid more, 

and enjoy freelancing sooner

At the heart of the Client Persuasion Blueprint is one simple page.

This page alone will build almost instantly trust with clients.

When clients see the 1-page persuasion blueprint the entire conversation transforms into “When can you start?”

Because you’ll finally know how to command attention, and confidently charge higher fees.

Then you’ll see clients telling you stuff like:

And clients loving it when I ask them for money

One client even told me “Robert you’re a fu**ing unicorn!” after she 

paid me $250 for a consulting call. 

But it got wilder because I also started 

getting questions like this

I know this all looks nice.

And it is, don’t get me wrong. 

 But this one side of the coin…

There’s another side that you might not like.
You’ll risk getting more clients than you can handle and some of them will want
you to take more responsibility
Believe me, this is a challenge you want to be conscious of.

Because all this will lead you to more work.

And that extra work will mean more money for you, but also growth.

Learning about other people’s businesses, using new tools, developing marketing strategies, and whatnot.

If you’d like to use the Client Persuasion Blueprint for yourself and discover how to get more from your freelance career, then it’s time to tell you what’s packaged inside.

Everything you’ll see below will be delivered instantly.
This is a psychology 101 module that covers the context in which the Client Persuasion Blueprint works. In just one module, I’ll reveal the exact steps you need to take (and which to avoid) to persuade clients to hire you. This is a succinct version of the sales knowledge I’ve acquired over the past 20 years.

Here’s some of the insider knowledge in this module:

Why two out of three copywriters fail to persuade clients to hire them… And the three simple ways you can ensure you’re almost always the one persuading clients to hire you.

You should ensure you win every client by giving the lowest price, right? WRONG! There’s a better way to persuade clients that doesn’t involve haggling on price.

How to avoid becoming a commodity. Follow the simple advice in the first module to learn how to demand premium fees and still get hired.

What would I do if I were starting out from scratch today. This alone will ensure you make 4 times more than I did in my first year as a freelance copywriter.

What you must NEVER say to clients. Knowing this will ensure you’re guaranteed to get the best pay (and you’ll never be outbid by others!).

Are you making this common mistake when talking to a client? Based on my almost two decades of selling services I noticed most freelance copywriters make this one mistake that robs them of a lot of money.

The sneaky way to avoid getting asked questions you can’t answer on calls… even if you don’t have much experience (especially useful if you’re an introvert or anxious about talking to clients).

The simple “elephant trunk” hack instantly allows you to switch and pivot away from any topic you don’t want to talk about… PLUS guide every client conversation in your favor (I use this technique whenever clients want to talk about something I don’t know much or I’m unsure how it works).

THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT CLIENTS REALLY LOOK FOR: What no one tells you but it’s crucial to win a client over fast.

If you’ve ever had to lower your fee to land a client, this copywriting technique will dismantle all price objections before you even quote.

According to Hubspot on average you need 8 touchpoints with clients before making a sale. Here’s how to decrease that to 1 and close a sale after the first touchpoint.

BETTER THAN A GOOGLE DOC PORTFOLIO! Use this 1-page persuasion document to persuade clients to hire you over anyone else… almost instantly!

The easiest way to transform the first client call into a “when can we start” call. This bulletproof method ensures clients stop talking to other copywriters who may be eyeing for the same gig. This is the ultimate secret to persuading clients to do business with you (and no one else!).

This is the simple 3- step process you’ll use to create your Client Persuasion Blueprint in 1 hour or less (if you’ve ever written a single page of copy you know how to do this already).

In this module, I reveal extra inside knowledge, such as:

The secret chameleon technique… using it will help you get hired almost in any niche and any job, even if you don’t meet all the requirements (use this one with caution because you might get one too many jobs fast).

If you’re not getting clients to respond to your messages, emails, or proposals, use this old-school copywriting trick to increase your chances of getting replies and finally get closer to those $10,000 months.

Eight unique ways to persuade clients to hire you: PLUS how to use the Client Persuasion Blueprint in each case to get more of your copywriting career.

Why sending your portfolio doesn’t help you… and what to do instead.

If you’re cold-emailing clients, I’ll show you how you can use the Client Persuasion Blueprint effectively in your cold email.

Twelve facts you must know to get the most out of the Client Persuasion Blueprint.

What never to do with your Client Persuasion Blueprint. This will backfire, destroy any chances of getting hired and may repel even clients you already work with.

The truth about pitching clients: what other gurus don’t tell you could be the reason you have the wrong mindset which is ruining your cold outreach.

You should immediately ask for a testimonial when you deliver your copy, right? WRONG! First, you must take these 3 steps to guarantee you get top-notch testimonials every single time.

The simple 8-word question that will get you the best testimonial you could ever dream of: PLUS it will show you what to say and do with future clients so you can sign more clients easier.

Clients and freelancers always focus on revenue ($) and evaluate the success based on that alone. But do you know there are 9 extra numbers that determine whether your copy worked and how well? Knowing all ten numbers will enhance your Client Persuasion Blueprint through the roof.

Join other successful copywriters on the same journey as you. You’ll get my guidance, support, and responses to all your questions (and a few extra perks). So if you want someone to review your copy or help you craft your pitch, proposal or cold email, this is for you. 
1. HOW I PERSONALLY USE THE CLIENT PERSUASION BLUEPRINT ($59): Check out my personal Client Persuasion Blueprint. I break it down in detail and explain the psychology behind every decision and word. But that’s not all – I’ll show you a real-life example of how I used the Client Persuasion Blueprint with a client. This is a complete sneak peek behind the scenes of my entire process. 

2. HOW TO USE THE CLIENT PERSUASION BLUEPRINT ON LINKEDIN ($19): There’s a simple way to get the Client Persuasion Blueprint to work for you 24/7 on LinkedIn. And I’ll show you the few buttons you need to click to leverage it there. The best part: you don’t even have to write posts to get people to see it.

3. HOW TO USE THE CLIENT PERSUASION BLUEPRINT ON UPWORK ($17): The best thing about Upwork is that it’s saturated with copywriters today. Why? Because that makes it easy to stand out – that’s what the Client Persuasion Blueprint will do for you uniquely and it takes less than 3 minutes.

4. PROJECT PROPOSAL SAMPLE ($25): Good clients often ask for proposals and I’m going to give you my personal proposal template. This is not a copywriting template – it’s a template that helps you convey your pitch clearly, succinctly and persuasively without having to hop on a call. Simple and effective.

5. DECK PROPOSAL SAMPLE ($29): Similar to the project proposal (above), but in a deck (presentation) form. Sometimes you want to present a succinct version of your proposal – that’s what the deck proposal does. It’s ideal to present on calls and improves your pitch.

6. THE “I DON’T HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE” SOLUTION ($39): the Client Persuasion Blueprint is designed to help working copywriters. But what if you’re still starting out and don’t have extensive experience? This video shows you how to bypass the lack of experience and get momentum in three unique ways… even if you don’t have a portfolio or testimonials (hint: this will help you build something better and far more valuable that clients appreciate more).

7. SLACK ACCESS TO ME WITH YOUR QUESTIONS ($99): You’ll have DM access to me and you can ask me any questions you might have related to copywriting, email marketing or marketing strategy. Nobody outside Strategic Gold Nuggets gets this type of support except Milena. This is ideal if you want me to confirm something you’re unsure about or you’re struggling to figure out what to do.

8. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS: This includes existing products and new products. But also, access to products that are not available to anyone else on my email list.
The total value of everything
I listed so far is $1182.

And you can Grab it All today
for a one time investment Of

Just $197

And I’m going to make this an 

even easier decision for you…

I know, great deal, but is there a downside?

In my humble and subjective opinion no.

That is unless you’re here looking for a guarantee…

Because then I’ll have to disappoint you because there’s none.

I don’t believe in guarantees (yes they increase purchases) because they bring in lazy buyers.

People who buy, but don’t consume. If that’s you, I wholeheartedly suggest you don’t buy the Client Persuasion Blueprint.

But if you’re okay with that, read on and buy. If it’s not, I’m okay with that too.

I also want to acknowledge that you need to trust the investment you’re making.

Here’s what other copywriters, marketers, and business owners say about me…
"Robert has a deep knowledge of copywriting and marketing. But that's not all. Unlike many great writers out there, he's also a shrewd entrepreneur and knows a great deal about freelancing as well. Be it client acquisition, time management, motivation, or negotiations – his insights WILL make you a better, higher-earning freelancer. I pay close attention to anything Rob says or writes. And you should too."
- Ivan D., freelance copywriter and marketer
"Robert's help has been instrumental to my copywriting success so far. His advice has been specific and actionable, and he's given me concrete steps to follow for landing client work. Including some that I'd never been recommended to by anyone before. Thanks to his help, I secured ongoing work with 2 clients last month, whereas before that, I was struggling!"
- Anastasia, eCom freelance copywriter
“Robert’s teaching on landing clients was helpful to me. The best part is how easy it is to implement”
- Benjamin O. freelance financial copywriter
“I need new shoes. So buy this. Today. Also Robert is great… otherwise I wouldn’t have married him.”
- Milena, my wife and biggest supporter
“Robert is absolutely amazing when it comes to marketing and copywriting. He's easy and fun to work with, and always goes above and beyond to support his clients. During our work together, he helped me creatively think about the core essence of my offerings, and also helped with the positioning. His ability to listen patiently to my concerns and translate them into actionable insights was exceptional. His dedication to exceeding client expectations is truly commendable. If you're seeking a results-oriented marketing advisor, look no further than Robert."
- Simmi S. financial advisor
"Robert is an absolute beast of a researcher and copywriter. If you are looking for help with market research, or anything copy-related, look no further. Robert will go the extra mile for you."
- Fran R., world class VSL copywriter (Dan Ferrari describes him as “brilliant” and “legendary”)
"Working with Robert has been amazing for my copywriting career. His expertise and support have directly contributed to me securing more projects and building meaningful relationships with clients. His insights are invaluable for any copywriter looking to move forward!"
- Elise, freelance email copywriter
If you'd like to earn more, do more and get more from your freelancing career then fill out the form below...

If you do it today, you'll get the Client Persuasion Blueprint for just $197 with all 8 unique bonuses.

As soon as you complete your order, you’ll receive an automatic email from ThriveCart (where I host my training).

In that email, you'll receive your login details to the course platform.

You'll get instant access to the Client Persuasion Blueprint training.

Plus all supporting materials and gifts.
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  • 1xClient Persuasion Blueprint$197

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