A surprisingly simple method to charm your dream clients to hire you even if you’re a beginner without any notable track record or testimonial to show!
I designed a simple non salesy formula that attracts copywriting dream clients fast… that will pay you $850, $1450 and $4080 retainers (even if you’re an insecure, non native beginner copywriter).
In the next two weeks!

Best part: Doesn’t matter if you’re cold emailing, DMing or writing proposals on Upwork! You just use my simple value first formula to attract your dream clients… and create a stable, predictable and consistent income in the next 14 days. 

Hiya there, it’s Robert. 

If you need to create a stable, consistent and predictable income in the next two weeks keep reading… 

 …Because today you can get your hands on my proven value first formula. And I say proven because I used this same formula to sign my first retainer client two weeks after starting my copywriting career. 

So it’s proven to work fast even if you’re a rookie. But that’s not all… Because my value first formula helps you sign clients who will pay you a retainer ranging from $850, $1450 and even $4,080 every month. Like clockwork. 

Hence the predictable and consistent income. 

And yes, all this as a complete beginner… even if you doubt yourself because you’re not a native speaker or have never worked with a client before and have no testimonial to show.  

So it’s simple anyone can use it and get results.  

PLUS you’ll be robbing me blind if you take me on my outrageous offer today… Because you can get my value first formula plus 6 gifts for just $97 today.  

You see, I was that insecure, non native beginner copywriter without a testimonial a few years ago. 

So out of necessity I designed a counterintuitive formula to sign my dream clients fast. And it worked better than I could have ever imagined. Here’s what I mean.

Below is the first retainer (EUR800=$850) I received as a rookie who had just started copywriting two weeks before…

Below is the first retainer (EUR800=$850) I received as a rookie who had just started copywriting 

two weeks before…

Then there’s this $965 retainer

Here’s another client who paid me 

1350 EUR ($1450) retainer 

to work 8h/week

And here’s a fixed retainer of $2,898 paid 

every month to obtain my services.

But there’s more… 

 Below is a retainer that includes a royalty (which is why the retainer $$$ changes between $3K and $4K).

I know this looks great, but I wanna warn you before you keep reading….

There’s a downside to my value first formula.

You’ll ONLY attract clients you vibe with
and want to work with.

You’ll repel the rest.

It’s true. 

This works only on clients you want to work with… and to be clear this is by design. 

You see, for the past 5 years I’ve worked only with clients I enjoy working with. And to do that I created a formula that helped me build a consistent and predictable income.

A formula that allows me to comfortably say NO to any opportunity that doesn’t excite me… or if I feel something is off about the project or client.

And that’s what I consider the ultimate freelance freedom.

But that’s not all… Because unexpectedly my simple formula has another benefit I didn’t expect.

You see, since I worked with people I vibe with, I became friends with three of my clients…

Today, I’m partnered with two of them in two separate businesses.

That means I’m not a hired gun who gets a paycheck and is offloaded at the first opportunity – No I get a piece of the pie (revenue)... which means more $$$ for me.

Yet that’s not the best part (at least for me)... Because all this allows me to prioritize what’s most important to me MY FAMILY.

I can spend more time with Rhea, Robin and Milena than ever before… While also not sacrificing my income.
I don’t have to choose between
my career and income


my family and happiness.
And that is priceless.

Today I don’t look for new clients because I don’t have to. In fact, the last time I looked for a new client was in 2023.

It may sound counterintuitive but my value first formula actually encourages you to PITCH less and work with FEWER clients.

And still have a stable, predictable and consistent income.

“But Robert, how do I do that for myself?”

I’m glad you asked.

Well, it’s simple when you know where the problem is.

See, the reason you don’t have a consistent and predictable income is because you’re repelling your dream clients today… without even realizing it.

Let me explain.

Right now when you talk to potential clients you probably sound like a little needy kid unintentionally.

And when clients sense that… you’re done.

Put differently, your positioning today makes you inferior and less worthy in their eyes because it comes from a place of neediness and sometimes entitlement.

The solution is simple: Fix your positioning.

And to do that you need to start talking to your clients from a position of strength, confidence and value.

Which brings me to my solution to that problem…

Create a stable, predictable and consistent income 

with  my non salesy formula 

in two weeks or less

Value first pitching is my simple non salesy formula.

At it’s core it will help you fix your positioning once and for all. When that happens your cold emails, DMs, LinkedIn outreach, Upwork and everything else… will improve exponentially!

Because you’ll finally know how to pitch your services with confidence.

And lemme tell you, clients love it!

Here are a few reactions from my cold emails, DMing and Upwork discussions so you can see for yourself the effect of my formula
1. Cold emailed AND worked with one of the best copywriters in the world according to Chris Haddad, Dan Ferrari, Ian Stanley and others.
2. An eCom client who was looking for short VSLs. Closed the client without a call, just chat.
3. An eCom agency gig: I wrote FB ads, got paid, without hoping on call. Easy.
4. A client... Correction: This was my business partner. This opportunity alone has brought me almost a six figure income in a little over a year
5. This one doubled my income while I added 8h/week of workload. 

“I hear you Robert, that worked for you…
but how do I know this will work for me?”

Because it worked for others!

It works for copywriters without a track record to show.

It works for non native copywriters...

It works for beginner copywriters (even better if you're a bit more experienced!)...

Here's what I mean.

Here’s Mako Who Used It To Land A Job With A Marketing Agency As A Beginner Without Any 

Track Record To Show

Here’s Simon, a junior non native copywriter who got his 

first copywriting gig less than two weeks after 

discovering the Value First Pitching formula

And Esther who was looking for something more advanced and landed a part-time job plus mentorship 9 days 

after using Value First Pitching formula

Then there's Andrei (15y/old) who signed his first client 

9 days after grabbing Value First Pitching

If you’d like to use Value First Pitching for yourself and replicate the success from above, then it’s time to tell you what’s packaged inside.

Everything you’ll see below will be delivered instantly.
5 chapters. 12,000 words. All focused on one thing: help you create a stable, predictable and consistent income in two weeks or less. Inside the book I break down my entire value first formula so you can start using it today. It’s delivered online inside my private membership area. This training is mainly text. You can read it, print it and even scan through and search with keywords (since you can download it as a PDF). I also added more than a few images to explain how everything works. Bottom line you can consume it on your laptop, mobile phone or tablet and receive it instantly when you complete the purchase.
The 5-day fast track video course is exactly as it sounds like: a quick course focused on getting you started quickly. It will go in depth to show you how to practice everything outlined in the Value First Pitching book. Plus I’ll include two extra masterclasses to ensure you succeed faster:

  • Most common mistakes when applying to jobs: Discover how 16 of 17 copywriters fail when reaching out to clients (real-life example). If you’re making one of these mistakes today, you miss out on clients. Plus you’ll see in practice how to leverage Value First Pitching for a potential copywriting job. This training alone will help you land your next client faster because you’ll see how to stand out from other copywriters.

  • Mindset blocks and how to overcome them: You’ll want to watch this if you struggle to take action because you’re afraid of failure. I also share my mindset philosophy of overcoming all the bad things in life, including when a client doesn’t hire or respond to your email or message. This video alone will help you adjust your mindset and get ahead of 80% of all copywriters out there before you even write a single word. I share powerful stuff and very personal. If you have any doubts about your success or feel inadequate about your copywriting career, this will help.
1. ACCESS TO MY PRIVATE STRATEGIC COPYWRITING COMMUNITY ($99/month)Join other successful copywriters on the same journey as you. You’ll get my guidance, support, and responses to all your questions (and a few extra perks). So if you want someone to review your copy or help you craft your pitch, proposal or cold email, this is for you. Usually, one has to pay $99/month to access my community.

2. HOW TO PRICE YOURSELF ($29): If you’ve ever wondered “How much should I charge?” Well, after learning what I share in this video, you’ll never have to wonder again. 

3. SPREADSHEET PRICE CALCULATOR ($17): This practical Excel spreadsheet allows you to automatically and precisely calculate your hourly rate PLUS individual per-project rates (per email, sequence, VSL, funnel and similar). A hidden benefit is that you’ll also see how much you can charge as a jack-of-all-trades copywriter versus a specialist (someone specializing in a specific type of copy or niche—or both).

4. SALES CALL SCRIPT THAT CLOSES 4-FIGURE PROJECTS ($29): The exact sales framework I use to close 4-figure projects and 7-figure clients. Value First Pitching will get you to talk to potential clients – this script will help you close them without sweating (even if you’re an introvert or beginner).

5. 5 DAY FAST START TOOLBOX ($19): My goal is to help you consume, learn, and put into practice what you learn in this course. My 5-Day Fast Start Toolbox will do that for you.

6. HOW TO LAND A $150K JOB USING VALUE FIRST PITCHING ($39): See a detailed analysis of a value first pitch that landed a 19 year old a $150K job with Noah Kagan. This analysis will show you how to respond to the most important question every client asks subconsciously. You'll be surprised when you see how elaborate and detailed this value first pitch is. 

7. 9 DIFFERENT PLACES TO FIND AN ABUNDANCE OF CLIENTS ($49): If you are confused about where to look for clients, this will show you 9 different platforms to use. Yes, one is Upwork, but I reveal 8 other little known places to look for clients. I share everything here and even show you a hack on how to find and talk directly to hiring managers and CEOs. If you were to get just this video from this entire course, you’d find your client within two weeks, guaranteed.
The total value of everything
I listed so far is $475.

And you can steal it today
for a one time investment of 

Just $97

And I’m going to make this an 

even easier decision for you…

My Robert Ivitsa Shushich
unbeatable guarantee
There is none.

You can’t beat something that doesn’t exist, right?

Now seriously, this is not a gimmick. I’m not adding any guarantee because I don’t want you to invest a penny in Value First Pitching because of a guarantee.

If that’s okay with you, proceed and buy. If it’s not, I’m okay with that too.

I also want to acknowledge that you need to trust the investment you’re making. And I’ve shared more than a dozen different images that prove Value First Pitching works!

But you can also see what other copywriters, marketers and business owners say about me…
"Robert has a deep knowledge of copywriting and marketing. But that's not all. Unlike many great writers out there, he's also a shrewd entrepreneur and knows a great deal about freelancing as well. Be it client acquisition, time management, motivation, or negotiations – his insights WILL make you a better, higher-earning freelancer. I pay close attention to anything Rob says or writes. And you should too."
- Ivan D., freelance copywriter and marketer
"Robert's help has been instrumental to my copywriting success so far. His advice has been specific and actionable, and he's given me concrete steps to follow for landing client work. Including some that I'd never been recommended to by anyone before. Thanks to his help, I secured ongoing work with 2 clients last month, whereas before that, I was struggling!"
- Anastasia, eCom freelance copywriter
“Robert’s teaching on landing clients was helpful to me. The best part is how easy it is to implement”
- Benjamin O. freelance financial copywriter
“Robert got a strong sense of DR principles and pop culture. Highly recommend."
- Jeremiah D. marketing advisor
“I need new shoes. So buy this. Today. Also Robert is great… otherwise I wouldn’t have married him.”
- Milena, my wife and biggest supporter
"Robert is an absolute beast of a researcher and copywriter. If you are looking for help with market research, or anything copy-related, look no further. Robert will go the extra mile for you."
- Fran R., world class VSL copywriter (Dan Ferrari describes him as “brilliant” and “legendary”)
"Working with Robert has been amazing for my copywriting career. His expertise and support have directly contributed to me securing more projects and building meaningful relationships with clients. His insights are invaluable for any copywriter looking to move forward!"
- Elise, freelance email copywriter
If you'd like to create a stable, consistent and predictable income in the next two weeks then fill out the form below...

If you do it today, you'll get Value First Pitching for just $97.

As soon as you complete your order, you’ll receive an automatic email from ThriveCart (where I host my training). 

In that email, you'll receive your login details to the course platform. 

You'll get instant access to the Value First Pitching training. 

Plus all supporting materials and gifts.
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Yes, Add Value First Pitching Samples Bundle To My Order!
Get instant access to Value First Pitching Samples Bundle, a set of 7 real life examples of value first pitching in action. You’ll get 4 videos and 3 PDFs showing you how I value first pitch, what I say to attract my dream clients attention that eventually gets me to work with them. You’ll see what very few copywriters are doing – this alone will show you how to ethically steal jobs from other copywriters and come on top for every job you apply for. You’ll sign more clients and increase your income faster than you thought was possible. Available only on this page for just $29.
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  • 1xValue-First Pitching$97

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